Omid Dr Ansari Fourth Biennial Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2024

Omid Dr Ansari

Dr Omid Ansari is an accomplished agricultural expert with over two decades of experience in genetics, plant breeding, and agronomy, spanning both academia and the commercial sector. He has made significant contributions to the field of hemp research and production, demonstrating a remarkable balance between scientific advancements and business achievements. Dr Ansari has an impressive academic background that includes a Bachelor of Science in Agronomy, a Master of Science in Breeding and Biometrical Genetics, and a PhD in Molecular Plant Breeding and Genetics from the University of Sydney. He has also held academic positions at institutions in Canada and the USA, where he conducted research on plant genetics and breeding. In addition to his academic work, Dr Ansari has worked in various research and development (R&D) and commercial management roles throughout his career. He served as National Program Manager with Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC), Director of Agriculture Consulting, Head of R&D and Chief Breeder at Ecofibre, and CEO and Managing Director at HempGenTech. Most recently, Dr Ansari served as the Head of R&D at Ecofibre Ltd, where he played a key role in building the company from an Australian start-up to its current position as a global leader in the hemp industry. During his tenure at Ecofibre, Omid was instrumental in the development of new hemp varieties, as well as the optimisation of cultivation and processing techniques. In addition to his work at Ecofibre, Dr Ansari founded HempGenTech, a new start-up company specialising in hemp production, breeding, and agronomy. Despite being a relatively new player in the industry, HempGenTech has already gained a strong reputation for its innovative and sustainable approach to hemp cultivation. Dr Ansari's track record of success has earned him a reputation as one of the most accomplished executives in the industry, widely regarded as a go-to expert in genetics, plant breeding, and agronomy. His expertise in genetics and plant breeding will be invaluable in developing new hemp varieties with improved characteristics, while his commercial acumen will help the industry to expand its operations and reach new markets. Dr Ansari's work in the hemp industry serves as a testament to the potential of this versatile crop to transform both agriculture and commerce.

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