Oral Presentation Fourth Biennial Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2024

Next-generation hemp: advances in dual-purpose varietal development (#5)

Omid Dr Ansari 1 , Omid Dr Ansari 2
  1. HempGenTech, Kenmore East, QLD, Australia
  2. Faculty of Science and Engineering, Southern Cross University, Dr Omid Ansari, Lismore, NSW, Australia



The global hemp industry is witnessing rapid evolution, driven by increasing demand for cultivars that are optimised for a diverse array of end-products beyond traditional biomass and grain productions. At the forefront of this shift, HempGenTech pioneering research focuses on deciphering the intricate Genotype-by-Environment (G×E) interactions that critically influence hemp's performance under varying climatic conditions. This crucial work lays the foundation for breeding strategies aimed at developing cultivars that embody specific trait combinations tailored to meet the multifaceted requirements of the industry.

Through comprehensive multi-site trials involving over 100 accessions across alternating growing seasons, our team has documented a significant variance in biomass and grain yields, alongside notable levels of non-psychoactive cannabinoids and other pivotal traits. These experiments have unveiled substantial genetic diversity in essential physiological characteristics, highlighting the key role of G×E in optimising hemp cultivation for distinct applications. Leveraging these insights, we have systematically classified hemp varieties into unique groups: PSPs, IPAs, STHs, and BMaxes, setting a solid foundation for focused breeding initiatives. This classification framework, described in our other conference publication, Ansari & De Prato (forthcoming), is designed to align with specific environmental conditions and desired product outcomes.

Emphasising the combining traits, such as enhanced grain yield coupled with high-quality non-psychoactive cannabinoid profiles, and specific fibre quality in conjunction with grain production, etc, we utilise extensive half-sib (HS) and full-sib (FS) family studies. Our objective is to refine trait combinations that cater to each unique end-product requirement, maintaining stable THC content within regulatory limits. Our innovative breeding strategy harnesses additive genetic variation and combines traditional breeding techniques with other genetic technologies. This approach facilitates the development of versatile, multi-purpose hemp cultivars in a short period.

Through diligent phenotyping of crucial parental lines and selective breeding, we identify families that possess the desired trait combinations. The subsequent crossing phases are vital for combining these traits, guiding a new era of hemp cultivars designed for a wide range of applications.

This presentation aims to share HempGenTech's insights into the breeding strategies that address the hemp industry's growing spectrum of needs. By adapting our proprietary breeding methodologies to these evolving challenges, we pave new pathways for hemp cultivation. These innovations offer scalable solutions that resonate well beyond local markets, extending our reach into the global arena and ensuring HempGenTech remains at the vanguard of the hemp industry's future.