Oral Presentation Fourth Biennial Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2024

The Story of the Founding of FIHO (#55)

Charles Kovess 1
  1. Textile & Composite Industries, Margaret River, WA, Australia

The Federation of International Hemp Organizations (FIHO) is the new voice of the global hemp industry.  The need for hemp organizations, companies, and interested parties to come together was identified in 2019.  A working group of 20 hemp associations established the fundamentals in 2020.  The appointed interim Board has registered the organization, finalized its foundation documents.  FIHO members elected Directors at its first formal annual meeting in 2022. There is an Executive Board of the President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, and a further five Directors. The Board is supported by a paid Secretary-General, Frederic Vallier, who is based in Brussels.

FIHO is advancing the global production, consumption and trade of industrial hemp. 

The Mission of FIHO is to:

  • Bring together industry leaders, market expertise, and resources;
  • Speak with one voice on hemp issues at the global level;
  • Identify and create opportunities to scale sustainable hemp production, marketing, and trade; and,
  • Benefit the global hemp industry, consumers and the environment.

Working together through FIHO will avoid duplication of effort and close knowledge gaps throughout the world.

FIHO membership is open to Large and Small National Hemp Associations; Subnational Hemp Associations; Hemp Companies and Individuals; and, Governments, Research Institutes, and aligned Non-Hemp Not-for-Profit Organizations. FIHO is structured in a way so as not to exclude valid hemp entities while balancing voting rights across each Supranational, National, and Subnational jurisdiction. The highest level of membership costs €16,000, and the lowest costs €2,000. Allowances are made for bigger and smaller enterprises.

Significant work has been done by the four Committees, Policy & Regulations, Communications & Engagement, Sustainability, and Research & Standards, in the following key areas:

  • FIHO’s position on hemp terminology
  • FIHO joins the United Nations’ Global Alliance for Building and Construction (Global ABC) 21 September 2023
  • Issued a press release on the sensationalist news of hemp feed cows and THC entering the food chain
  • Issued a press release to call for a moratorium on genetically-engineered or modified hemp
  • Presented to the United Nations Global Building Forum in Paris in March 2024, where 2000 attendees participated
  • Has submitted extensive additions to the World Customs Organisation to update the HS Codes (“harmonized system”) from six to 41.
  • Has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with ASTM, based in the USA, on cooperation for Standards relating to hemp and cannabis.

FIHO will play a crucial role into the future global expansion of hemp. Your participation as members and as committee members is welcome. The website is https://fiho.org

Keywords: regulation, membership, ASTM, United Nations, expansion.


Charles Kovess had a 20-year career as a tax and business lawyer, and is CEO of Textile & Composite Industries, manufacturer of the D8 Decorticator. He was elected as President of the Australian Industrial Hemp Alliance in November 2023 following his 5 years as Secretary. He is a member of the Executive Board of FIHO, representing the AIHA, and is Chairman of two of its Committees. Charles was appointed to the NSW Government’s Hemp Task Force in February 2024. He is author of Passionate People Produce and Passionate Performance, and co-author of 7 Heavenly Virtues of Leadership.