Oral Presentation Fourth Biennial Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2024

Australia Australian hemp industry trends opportunities and support (#56)

Tim Schmidt 1
  1. Australian Hemp Council, Red Hills, TASMANIA, Australia

To Be Advise

Australian Hemp Industry – Trends, opportunities and support


The Australian industrial hemp industry is a constantly changing landscape with a promise for greatness.  This paper will provide a background summary of industry developments and how the AHC is planning to support the industries development.

In the past there has been great anticipation and excitement around the opportunities emerging within the hemp industry, including cbd markets, health food markets and fibre markets.  In some cases, there have been adjustments to expectations required, a typical characteristic of an emerging industry.

Lately, however, there has been significant investment and advancements within the fibre industry providing emerging substance not seen before.  There are many challenges for the successful establishment of a viable fibre industry of which the main factors including supply of capital, market development and investment into research for hemp production and processing.

The AHC is a primarily grower and processor organization, focusing on addressing issues impacting the industry whilst engaging with Government and community.  We have a key focus on uniting the industry to enable effective influence on government policy for the benefit of the industry.  We aim to promote whole of plant use and effect regulatory and legislative change at a federal level to allow the industry to realise its full potential thus providing benefits for Australian hemp farmers, processors and the community in general.


Tim Schmidt


