Oral Presentation Fourth Biennial Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2024

Development of the hemp building industry in Australia – an analysis of and reflections on the growth of the hemp building industry in the last 10 years (#26)

Kirstie Wulf 1
  1. Shelter Building Design, Hazelbrook, NSW, Australia

Building with hemp has seen significant growth in Australia over the past 10 years, although it is still relatively new in the construction industry in Australia. This paper gathers together quantitative and qualitative data mapping the growth of hemp building in Australia. Using information from suppliers, builders and designers this paper looks at the growth of the use of Hempcrete in building, how first time builders and designers have been able to learn about and find resources on hempcrete building and how seasoned hempcrete builders have been able to build a business based on this methodology. It will look at the influence that spray application of hempcete and hemp blocks are having on the industry. The paper also looks at what is driving the uptake of hemp building and what barriers need to be overcome to mainstream hemp building. The potential for hemp bulk insulation products and hemp based board products is also discussed. The paper examines how Hempcrete and hemp building products are approved under the Building Code of Australia and whether this process can be streamlined to support the growth of hemp in the construction industry in Australia.