Industrial Hemp, like countless other summer crops, is grown in many countries globally, in changing and varying climatic environments of latitude, daylength, temperature, altitude, humidity, sunshine hours, frost and snow etc
In much of Australia, it is also usually considered a summer only growing crop (except is grown in the northern hotter winter tropics), And has been mainly irrigated, where summer rainfall is low and evapotranspiration rates are high, especially in all of southern Australia’s Mediterranean regions cropping belts .
BUT from our own observations, over the last 15 years in the hemp industry, with many different clients, locations of crops and more recently consulting to AgriFutures X9 National Variety trial sites ,in all States and the NT, we have noticed the strong winter survival traits of the Cannabis plant including :-
Peer review, pers comms, and references on this topic from the EU, Himalayas, Canada, Poland and Russia, also suggests a unique opportunity exists for Industrial Hemp, especially in a dryland-rainfed winter cropping situation, where moisture is limited in summer, and could be a new window of opportunity. E.g. In Russia they claim seedlings can handle -15 C, once established, but do require maximum day temperatures of over about 12 C
Note- Hemp does NOT however tolerate heavy frosts of minus -2 Celsius during the late vegetative and flowering/grain fill stages and severe grain losses have occurred, including in Qld . In fact the anecdote is that its cold /frost tolerance seems to reduce with age from seedlings to grain fill
If anyone is interested to be involved in some demonstration of this initiative nationally, this winter and has a license already, we have some new and old varieties we would like to try for either grain, dual purpose or biomass scenarios.