Poster Presentation Fourth Biennial Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2024

CRC-P Healing Australian Carbon Wounds Using Hemp Plantation and Construction - Research Agenda: Carbon sequestration and carbon storage potentials of hemp-based engineered timber. (#61)

Massoud Sofi 1 , Priyan Mendis 1 , Nilupa Herath 1 , Elisa Lumantarna 1 , Rick Zang 1 , Benoit Belleville 1 , Johannes Fehrmann 1 , Ken Dods 2
  1. Uni Melbourne, Melbourne
  2. SAGE Consultancy, Perth, WA, Australia

The construction of the built environment is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas emissions, which drive climate change. It makes burdens on the natural environment and its ecosystems, and it is unsustainable. Efficient carbon capture and storage may be a solution to this problem. Understanding and quantifying the carbon sequestration and carbon storage potentials of engineered timbers for the construction industry is important. These could be analysed within a life cycle framework entailing the processes occurring across technological and enviro-economic dimensions over time. This contribution presents an overview of the steps in estimating carbon sequestration and carbon storage potentials of hemp-based engineered timber.