Poster Presentation Fourth Biennial Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2024

CRC-P Healing Australian Carbon Wounds Using Hemp Plantation and Construction - Research Agenda: The fatigue behaviour of hemp-based engineered timber. (#68)

Rick Zang 1 , Massoud Sofi 1 , Nilupa Herath 1 , Elisa Lumantarna 1 , Priyan Mendis 1 , Benoit Belleville 1 , Johannes Fehrmann 1 , Ken Dods 1
  1. Uni Melbourne, Melbourne

The construction industry is increasingly seeking eco-friendly alternatives to traditional timber. Hemp-based engineered timber has been proposed to be an alternative material. Therefore, this work focuses on how hemp-based engineered timber responds to cyclic loading and stress over time. This fatigue behaviour is a key factor in assessing material’s viability for long-term structural applications. By exploring this aspect, the work aims to fill a significant gap in the current knowledge of bio-based construction materials. This knowledge potentially paves the way for wider acceptance and utilisation of hemp-based engineered timber. This work is poised to offer valuable insights into the durability and reliability of such materials, underscoring their potential to not only reduce the environmental impact of construction projects but also to enhance the sustainability and resilience of future infrastructures.