Poster Presentation Fourth Biennial Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2024

CRC-P Healing Australian Carbon Wounds Using Hemp Plantation and Construction - Research Agenda: Smart technologies for Hemp decortication. (#71)

Johannes Fermann 1 , Priyan Mendis 1 , Nilupa Herath 1 , Benoit Belleville 1 , Ken Dods 2
  1. Uni Melbourne, Melbourne
  2. SAGE Consultancy, Perth, WA, Australia

Despite progress in automating hemp decortication and fibre extraction technologies, existing procedures continue to rely on straining mechanical handling of the fibres. Moreover, limited alternatives are available for adapting the methods used in processing to the specific condition of the raw hemp material upon arrival at the factory.

As part of the CRC-P’s milestone 3 ‘Smart technologies for decortication of hemp plants’, the research focuses on advancing hemp fibre processing through the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The study includes identifying emerging AI technologies for the integration into the hemp processing flow and exploring AI-based technologies through smart decortication prototypes. Additionally, the research involves the creation of real-time optimisation algorithms and control mechanisms for adaptive decortication processes.

The results strive to improve processing efficiency, minimise waste, promote the sustainability of hemp fibre processing, and facilitate increased returns on multiple value-added product streams.