Poster Presentation Fourth Biennial Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2024

AgriFutures Australian Industrial Hemp Program of Research - Theme 3 Industrial Hemp products - Project 1: To improve the health and nutritional value of hemp oil cake protein by fermentation. (#62)

Zhongxiang Fang 1 , Said Ailouni 1 , Panzhen Zhang 1 , Xiaoyu Feng 1
  1. Uni Melbourne, Melbourne

The Australian Industrial Hemp Program of Research (AIHPR) aims  to determine if bioactive peptides have potential health benefits and if identified can provide unique and marketable distinction for hemp seed when compared to other oilseed and grain alternatives used in food manufacture. This project seeks to identify peptides that are created and liberated by fermentation, that can provide health benefits for consumers. The project provides a mechanism to enhance the commercial value for cold press oil extracted hemp cake and provides a mechanism for its preferential use and higher value in the food industry if therapeutic peptides are discovered.

The project seeks to;

  1. Undertake fermentation on protein rich hemp oil extracted seed cake.
  2. Identify, quantify, and isolate therapeutic peptides.
  3. Trial isolates for therapeutic potential.
  4. Report functional ingredient potential.

Ultimately, Theme 3 of the AIHPR will deliver to food manufacturers the requisite data to preferentially select fermented hemp seed cake protein as a health beneficial ingredient.