Poster Presentation Fourth Biennial Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2024

Agronomy, Nitrogen and Crop Protection (#66)

Sarah J Purdy 1 , Sam Blanch 1 , Karen Kirkby 1 , Shahajahan Miyan 2 , Natalie Moore 1 , Amanda Pearce 3 , Mary Whitehouse 4
  1. DPI, Calala, NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia
  2. DPIRD, Perth, WA, Australia
  3. SARDI, Adelaide, SA, Australia
  4. Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW, Australia

The Australian Industrial Hemp Program of Research (AIHPR) aims to establish industrial hemp in Australia as a profitable agricultural industry by addressing the barriers to expansion. The Theme 2 program focuses on Production which will define agronomic and crop protection practices to maximise yields.

Three replicated field trials in Grafton, Maauope and Manjimup have been established to define optimum sowing and nitrogen rates over the first three years in these three climatic zones. In years 4 and 5, an experiment in the Plant Accelerator in Adelaide will test the NUE of a wide selection of germplasm. Data from the IHVT will be used to develop a crop model for management scenario testing. Information on weeds and the effectiveness of management approached will be collated.  Crop protection research will identify pathogens of concern and varietal susceptibility. Characterising the invertebrate populations within hemp will identify the friends and foes and the pest population thresholds for crop loss. From this, IPM strategies will be developed.

Ultimately, Theme 2 of the AIHPR will deliver to growers and agronomists the requisite data to make informed decisions tailored to their unique regional contexts, thus ensuring maximal yields across the Australian hemp landscape.