Oral Presentation Fourth Biennial Australian Industrial Hemp Conference 2024

AgriFutures Australia’s industrial hemp variety trials (IHVT) – an update (#6)

Mark A Skewes 1
  1. South Australian Research and Development Institute, Loxon, SOUTH AUSTRALIA (SA), Australia

The Industrial Hemp Variety Trials (IHVT) program is co-funded by AgriFutures Australia and the participating state and territory government agencies, and the University of Sydney for the New South Wales and Queensland sites.

The focus of the trials is on hemp grain production, with grain yield and grain quality being key parameters for analysis. Total biomass yield is also collected to assess the suitability of different varieties for dual purpose production.

Nine trial sites are spread across three broad climatic zones, the Northern Climatic Zone (Kununurra WA & Katherine NT), the Central Climatic Zone (Manjimup WA, Loxton SA, Narrabri NSW & Stanthorpe Qld), and the Southern Climatic Zone (Maaoupe SA, Hamilton Vic & Epping Forest Tas).

Trial operations adhere to standard Industrial Hemp Variety Trial Protocols which were developed as part of the program. The Protocols provide technical detail on how the IHVT will be conducted to ensure common standards and practices across the nine sites nationwide. This is designed to facilitate analysis of results across seasons and trial sites.

The 2023/24 season is the third and final season of trials under the current IHVT program.

At each trial site a range of varieties have been trialled at two or three different sowing times each season. In the Central and Southern Climatic Zones, the sowing times are during late spring and early summer, while sowing times in the Northern Climatic Zone have been focussed on the beginning of the dry season, from April to June.

Varieties trialled in the IHVT have originated from across the globe, including Europe (France & Poland), Canada, China, and Australia.

All sites are irrigated to ensure water is non-limiting, and fertilised to ensure nutrition is similarly not limiting to potential growth and production.

Results to date indicate clear differences in performance of different varieties at the same trial site, and differences in performance of the same variety across different trial sites, particularly between the different Climatic Zones. For example, short season varieties from Canada and Poland are performing well at sites in the Central and Southern Climatic Zones, but poorly in the Northern Climatic Zone.

Outcomes of the IHVT program will include information about which varieties are best suited to particular climatic zones, and the most appropriate timing for sowing those varieties for the best yield and grain quality.